Restaurant with Traditional Cretan cuisine Kissamos Chania - Skasiarcheio - Round, Kebab, Souvlaki Kissamos Chania - Moussakas - Stuffed - Pastry - Souvlaki Delivery Kissamos Chania.

Restaurant with Traditional Cretan cuisine Kissamos Chania - Skasiarcheio - Round, Kebab, Souvlaki Kissamos Chania - Moussakas - Stuffed - Pastry - Souvlaki Delivery Kissamos Chania.

35144 Visitors:
Address: Iroon Polytechniou 77, Kissamos
Area: Chanion
Telephone: 2822024341
Mobile: -
P.C.: 73400
Category: SOUVLAKI
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The "Skasiarheio Pita & Grill" Gyros - Grill - Souvles is located in Kissamos, Chania, it is famous for its grilled dishes with fresh local meats as well as for the cooked food it serves. Gyros, Kebab, Souvlaki marry harmoniously with traditional Cretan cuisine and meet the well-known and beloved Moussaka of Greeks and tourists, Pastitsio, Stuffed and all other dishes, which are at your disposal every day! And for delivery! We are constantly improving and we offer y...
35144 Visitors:

Iroon Polytechniou 77, Kissamos, Chanion

35144 Visitors:

The "Skasiarheio Pita & Grill" Gyros - Grill - Souvles is located in Kissamos, Chania, it is famous for its grilled dishes with fresh local meats as well as for the cooked food it serves.

Gyros, Kebab, Souvlaki marry harmoniously

with traditional Cretan cuisine and meet

the well-known and beloved Moussaka of Greeks and tourists, Pastitsio, Stuffed and all other dishes, which are at your disposal every day!

And for delivery!

We are constantly improving and
we offer you more and more options.
Because when you want quality, you constantly renew yourself.

Our first sample;
Superfoods and vegan bread.

With a veggie burger that will you win.

A mixture of legumes and vegetables etc. accompanied by
potatoes, guacamole sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion.

"Skasiarcheo Pita & Grill" is open daily from

12.00 p.m. until 00.00 am


Pork stew
Pancetta spit
Gyro club sandwich
Pork souvlaki
Chicken souvlaki
Varieties of meats
35144 Visitors:

Iroon Polytechniou 77, Kissamos

Telephone: 2822024341

Working Hours
